Andrew's Russian Learning Journey

May 2023 Wrap Up

Worst Month Yet!

Table of Contents

  1. Monthly Stats
  2. Highlights
  3. Anki
  4. Grammar
  5. Speaking
  6. Listening and Reading
  7. Watching
  8. Overall and Next Month

First, as always, before I get into the meat of the update, here are my Anki and Toggl stats.

My Anki


My Toggl



Pretty sharp decline in a lot of ways, but it's understandable given that I bought a place and moved in. Lots of work and time devoted to that endeavor so, as a result, my Russian suffered.

Small win though happened during the move. Two of the movers had recently moved from Kazakhstan and didn't yet speak English. They pulled out their phone to use Google Translate from Russian to English. I interrupted them to let them know that I spoke Russian and we were able to go about our business in Russian. This was the first time I've had a practical use for Russian since I started learning!

Was a great experience, though they did tell me that my Russian was very good, which means I've still got a long way to go to true mastery.


Anki was, in short, a shit show this month. The black squares above indicate that I did 0 cards that day, and the red squares are days when I didn't finish my cards. Will be much more consistent this month now that I'm more or less fully moved in. Not worried yet.


Lol. You'll note that grammar study received 0 hours this past month. In a lot of ways, I was fully unable to focus on anything that required serious thought, so grammar was the first thing to go. Another thing that I'm not worried about and will rehabilitate it this month.


Nothing much to say here other than my # of hours decreased quite a lot. I wasn't able to do my normal language exchanges or italki, so my output suffered. Going back into my language exchanges definitely felt stiff. Sad how quickly my output abilities deteriorate without use.

Looking to reestablish my italki and language exchange routines this month. Shouldn't be an issue.

Listening and Reading

I listened to one audiobooks this month:

  1. Возвращение Шерлока Холмса - The Return of Sherlock Holmes

Still moving through all of the Sherlock Holmes stories, and they are still good. Also listened to a few podcast episodes, but nothing really of note.

I also read a few books:

  1. Французские дети не плюются едой by Pamela Druckerman (Bringing up Bebe in the US)

This is a memoir of sorts. An American woman moves to France and realizes that the French style of parenting differs significantly from the American style. She classifies, writes about, and engages in the differences and writes with a nice journalistic flair. Great book as an intro book to parenting books b/c it had somewhat of a plot. Will likely read more on this subject in the future, as there was a lot to digest here.


I almost exclusively just watched random YouTube this month. Couldn't tell you what I watched to be honest, just random stuff.

Overall and Next Month

Still want to pass the grammar section of the C1 exam soon, so my main goal this month will be consistent anki and consistent grammar study. Nailing these two will be of paramount importance if I want to pass the damn thing.

Thanks for reading! Закругляюсь!